Time On Site Metrics. Real-time!
Time On Page (in seconds)
Time On Page (Duration)
Time On Site (in seconds)
Time On Site (Duration)
You spent so far...
“Modern user engagement tracker for your web pages. timeonsite.js powers small blogs to largest enterprises on the Internet for measuing user stay time. Measure the performace of your new web product launches and startups on the web effectively. Stay time for single page-visits as well! Computing user stay time precision for all the web and mobile browsers since 2018...... till today!”
Not a toy tool! Tailored for capturing user interactions on the web precisely; Hassle-free, highly automated, plug-and-play snippet.
Hit a ★ on Github to show your support!
What users tell about the tracker:
Want detailed precision (in milliseconds)?
Time On Page (in milliseconds)
Time on page is the time spent so far in this page whearas Time on site is the time spent in the session overall. If you reload the page 3 times, then Time on site = (Time on page of first page visit + Time on page of second page visit + Time on page of third page visit)
Reasons why you should use Timeonsite.js in your web site/apps today
(works along with your other analytics tools! need not decommission other tracking tools!!!)

Session duration for every pageview, even for bounce-rate pages!

Dismiss polling & unnecessary server hits for analytics!

Uses state-of-the-art sendBeacon API for unbeaten accuracy!

Measure User engagement with millions of table records!

Data Privacy and full control over your analytics data!

Understand user engagement & improve business productivity!
Key features of TimeOnSite(TOS) Tracker
- Measures user's time on site accurately
- Provides analytics of page and content significance
- Ignores inactive browser tab time to improve TOS metrics
- Easily configurable and highly customizable
- Tracks TOS data in Web and Mobile browsers efficiently
- Readily available reporting & analytics application in PHP/NodeJs
Important! Since the mid of 2021, sendBeacon() API is standard in most browsers; make use of it and achieve high accuracy; capture session-duration even for bounce-rated pages, a feature you regret missing in all other web analytic providers! (see "getting started" page for sendBeacon() real-time example)
Reports Dashboard
Analytics Dashboard
Business Intelligence for User Engagment
(Optional Feature - Show/Hide content)
You are not limited to custom Visual app or writing raw SQL to visualize data, you can view reports using any of the following tools:
- Power BI
- QlikView
- Tableau etc.
or any BI tool. You name it. Here is a sample Tableau public visualization created with
timeonsite.js You can download it, import the worksheets with Tableau Public/Desktop application and replace the usual
"tos" table with your production table and view fantastic visualizations. This is the table structure and only table used in following Tableau visualizations...
Tableau Public (free access)
Access this dashboard directly on Tableau public (web).
Tips for using Tableau public:
- Tableau Public is free and allowed upto 1 million records for accessing over web
- You have the "download worksheets" option at the bottom of these visualizations to download/export to your computer
- You can't export worksheets in Tableau Public (web) directly but you can download the worksheets/dashboards to local. Then, use Tableau Public or Desktop app to import the worksheets as is. Then, make "data source" or Viz edits, then publish it to your web account again for web access.
- Click edit connection to replace this demo "tos" table with your dev/prod "tos" table or use "Union table" Tableau feature effectively. Your export/import activity is complete. You are ready to view ready-made, amazing visualizations for understaning user engagement.
- If you have Tableau licence, then you can perform analtyics over billions of records. As per our knowledge, these worksheets can be accessed directly over other Tableau produts as well
- Make use of Tableau developers or BI developers' support to get it set up quickly and hassle-free. TOS admins are not providing direct support but are very helpful in forums and discussion pages!
Licensed & Free version
Free Version
TimeOnSite Tracker can be used for free without purchasing a licence key in following cases:
- Using it in non-production environments like development, test, stage etc. (ex. http://testing.example.com)
and for testing purposes
- It's free to use for personal sites, non-profit organizations and educational universities but it cannot be embedded in other open-source software, commerical software and libraries since it is per-domain based licence model.
Licensed Version
TimeOnSiteTracker.js is strictly commercial software. Using it in live/production servers and environments (ex. http://example.com) require that you purchase licence key. It's illegal to use without a valid licence key. The tracker snippet itself has to contain licence key to ensure that it's valid.
- The cost of licence is $38 (USD) per year as of
- (Lifetime Licence)
There is a one-time lifetime licence cost $375 (USD)
- The licence is website domain-specific. It's not specific to no. of users/products like other commercial software. Any no. of users/applications under a single domain (ex. http://example.com) can use the purchased software.
- Follow the instructions below for your site/app registration and buying licence. This license is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. Once a year completes, you need to pay successive year for continued use(Not applicable for one-time lifetime licence). Licence key will be sent to your registered email id and is tagged with your domain name. This means you will have single license key mapped with your website as long as you wish to use. If you don't wish to use the software, you could stop paying for it.
Valid licence key looks like the following, for example,
Buy licence now?
Buying licence is a two-step process as given here
Registering your application and paying can be done in any order. When you press pay button and your payment is successful, your payment time (at Paypal) is recorded and you can continue to use the software for next 1 year in case non-lifetime licence.
We would generate a licence key and send to your email available via step 1. It may take upto 3 days for us to send your licence key. But you could start using the software from the moment you made the purchase.
Download the software timeonsitetracker.js or minified version and use it in your application. When we send your licence key via email, copy it and you have to manually overwrite the
Licence Key: {your-license-key-here} line in software as given in image above.
Note: Money paid is not refundable even if you use it for just 3 months and leave it in the rest of the year.
Support: If you did not receive licence key even after 3 days from the date of payment or have any payment issues,
contact us and get support
Your support is always welcome!
If you are a general user of timeonsite tracker and not willing to pay full licence money, you may contribute a smaller amount like $10 or $15 to show your support for us or as a token of love or to help us continue build a modern, transparent & accurate time-on-site tracker. You can use the same Paypal link above and customize it for smaller contribution.
Developed with love for web & analytics at Chennai, remember Marina? All praise be to Almighty God.
TimeonsiteTracker.js, the commercial software with free use options!.